Our approach to digital marketing.

So how are we different?

Every agency tells you they’re different - they SWEAR. We like to let our work ethic speak for itself. We hate mystery, we love transparency. You don’t know us - we need to build trust, this is how we do it.

1) Initial meeting.

It starts with a quick phone call about your business and your digital marketing needs. Suss us out. See if we know our shit.

2) Planning.

If the call goes well, have us put together a proposed campaign plan - in laymen’s terms, not filled with buzz words that are meaningless and impress no one.

3) Packages of hours versus huge quotes.

We offer a blended hourly rate, your ad spend is kept separate and fully in your control. Complete transparency. You pay us for our time, not ad spend mark-up. Plus we offer discounts on packages of hours that never expire and give you control over what we spend our time doing.

4) Campaign setup.

Finally, we get to work. Once we all agree on goals and outcomes, you give us the reins and we begin setting up your plan through the various channels and mediums we need to deliver your campaign.

4) Execution and deliverables.

Let’s let the “digital” people get to work. This is where we execute on our promises.

5) Reporting and optimization.

Throughout the digital campaign we report in full transparency - the good, the bad, and everything in between. This keeps us honest and inline with our plan. And with no commitment you can hit the brakes if we aren’t delivering

6) See where we’re at.

If you’ve read this far I imagine you’ve gathered that we’re an honest bunch. We don’t hide behind vanity metrics. So this is where you get to be honest. Did Mavvy execute the strategy and plan proposed? We likely did, cause you could’ve hit the brakes at any point on the way. So let’s have another chat and see what’s next.